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New menu's and settings available after installing Pick-IT

What new menu

After you have installed Pick-IT, and your license contains the correct modules, your database will be updated to add Pick-IT menu's, fields and other database information. When you start this update for the first time, this will take some time, depending on the size of your database and the hardware specifications.

After the database has been updated, you will see new settings and new menu's.

New general settings

  The new general settings can be found in menu [System, General, Settings]. These settings are for configuration of the behavior of the Pick-IT Control Centers and validations. The behavior of Pick-IT on the hand terminals is configured in another menu. You will always see the settings for all Pick-IT modules, even when this module is not part of your license.



PI General

generic Pick-IT settings
PI Sales Order Fulfillment settings related to order picking and keyboard wedge scanning
PI Receipt Registration settings for purchase order receipts
PI Stock Transfers settings for reading back and validation of stock (location) transfers
PI Stock Inventory settings for the counting process with Pick-IT
PI Route Optimizing settings for Route Optimizing advice calculation (both for order picking and production issues), Pick and Pack and Cross docking
PI Replenishment settings for Pick-IT replenishment (advice for location replenishment)
PI Stock Transactions settings for reading back and handling Stock Transactions
PI Sales Entry settings for reading back and handling Sales Transactions
PI Purchase Entry settings for reading back and handling Purchase Transactions
PI Production - Issues settings for the back-office handling of Production Issues
PI Production - Receipts settings for reading back and handling Production Receipts
PI CW Sales settings for Central Warehouse 'sales' company
PI CW Central settings for Central Warehouse 'central' (stock) company
PI CW Purchase settings for Central Warehouse 'purchase' company




New system settings

  In menu 'System' a new main entry for Pick-IT has been created. This menu contains the settings for Pick-IT on the hand terminals, Bartender label integration, scan codes and other generic Pick-IT system tables. This would typically be a menu intended for the role 'Pick-IT administrator' in Globe security.
  In menu [System, Pick-IT] you will find these new menu entries.



Scanners all settings for the hand terminals, per Pick-IT module:
    General scanner settings general settings for all Pick-IT modules on the hand terminal
    Sales order fulfillment settings settings related to order picking
    Receipt registration settings settings for purchase order receipts
    Stock transfers settings settings for location transfers
    Stock inventory settings settings for counts with Pick-IT
    Replenishment settings settings for handling replenishment on the hand terminal
    Stock transaction settings settings for registration of stock transactions
    Sales transaction settings settings for creating sales orders on the hand terminal
    Purchase transaction settings settings for creating purchase orders on the hand terminal
    Production receipts settings settings for registration of production receipts
    Production issues settings settings for handling production issues
    Scanners creating and maintaining the unique scanners and linking settings
    Send scanner settings export settings to the hand terminal when not using RF
Zones maintenance of Pick-IT 'zones' (groups of locations, used for
splitting picking lines for sales and purchase orders)
Central Warehouse maintenance of CW tables: VAT and warehouses
Labels maintenance of Bartender integrated label printing
Scancode maintenance of scan codes and quantities per item
SKU maintenance of SKU system tables
Rejection reasons maintenance of Pick-IT rejection reasons
Item locations Pick-IT stock factors per location for replenishment
Send item data export item master data to terminal (if not using RF)
Send debtor data export debtor master data (Sales Transactions with no RF)
Send creditor data export supplier master data (Purchase Transactons and Free receipts and without RF)




New functional menu's

  Depending on your license, you will see Pick-IT menu's within Globe menu's like 'Order'. Pick-IT menu's are always visible after installing Pick-IT or Central Warehouse, visibility of Central Warehouse menu's depend on settings.



  ORDER menu  

Entries, Pick-IT  
    Control Center orderpicking main control center for sales order fulfillment
    Control Center pick&pack one control center for handling 'picking' and 'packing'
    Send to scanner/export file separate function of main control center, in case you need to limit rights on 'Control Center order picking'
    Read from scanner/import file separate function of main control center, in case you need to limit rights on 'Control Center order picking'
    RF monitor monitoring screen of work in progress on the terminals
    Keyboard wedge scanning the back-office method of sales order fulfillment with Pick-IT
    Read SO from scanner/file reading new sales transactions from hand terminals
To be processed, CW Sales admin only visible if CW 'sales admin' setting was activated
    Export sales orders export new sales order to central
    Process sales orders fulfillment screen for orders previously fulfilled in central
    Monitor monitor specific sales order
    CW monitor monitor general CW messages
To be processed, CW central admin only visible if CW 'central admin' setting was activated
    Export changes push changes from central sales order to 'sales' sales order
    Export delivery notes process CW fulfillment tasks
    Export invoices generate purchase invoices in 'sales' database
    CW monitor monitor general CW messages
Items, Pick-IT item view provides insight in stock positions and (Pick-IT) reservations per item
  INVENTORY menu  
Entries, Pick-IT Transfers  
    Control Center Control Center for reading back and handling location transfers
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading back new transfers, in case you want to limit
access to the Control Center itself
Entries, Pick-IT stock transactions  
    Control Center Control Center for reading back and handling stock transactions
    Read back/import file separate menu for reading new transactions, in case you want to limit
access to the Control Center itself
    Stock transaction codes maintenance of Stock Transaction Codes master table
Warehouse management,  Pick-IT Stock Inventory
    Control Center guided counts Control Center for counts with sending counting list to the terminal
    Control Center non guided counts Control Center for reading back and handling 'free' counts
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading new counts, in case you want to limit
access to the Control Center itself
Warehouse management, Pick-IT Stock Replenishment
    Control Center Control Center for replenishment (manual and generated advice)
    Send to scanner/export file separate menu for sending new tasks, in case you want to limit
access to the Control Center itself
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading back, in case you want to limit
access to the Control Center itself
Warehouse management, Pick-IT manage rejections
      manage the rejections entered on the hand terminals
Items, Pick-IT item view provides insight in stock positions and (Pick-IT) reservations per item
  PURCHASE  menu  
Entries, Pick-IT  
    Control Center Control Center for sending purchase orders and reading back and handling receipts 
    Send to scanner/export file separate menu for sending new purchase orders, in case you want to limit access to the Control Center itself
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading back receipts, in case you want to limit access to the Control Center itself
    RF monitor monitoring screen of work in progress on the terminals
    Read PO from scanner/file reading back new purchase orders created on terminals
Items, Pick-IT item view provides insight in stock positions and (Pick-IT) reservations per item
Entries, Pick-IT issue  
    Control Center manage sending and reading back production issues
    Send to scanner/export file separate menu for sending new picking list, in case you want to limit access to the Control Center itself
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading back issues, in case you want to limit access to the Control Center itself
Entries, Pick-IT receipts  
    Control Center reading back and handling new production receipts
    Read from scanner/import file separate menu for reading back receipts, in case you want to limit access to the Control Center itself




New buttons

  The installation of Pick-IT or Central Warehouse will also add some extra buttons to your Globe master data maintenance screens. Because there are different ways to maintain master data the menu it self is not referred to here. Sometimes added buttons may only be visible in 'simple' mode (as opposed to 'advanced' mode, for instance in maintenance of 'accounts receivable')



Debtor maintenance (accounts receivable)
  Pick-IT button settings related to debtor and using Pick-IT
  Central Warehouse button settings for Central Warehouse, only visible if 'CW central' is active
Supplier maintenance (accounts payable)
  Central Warehouse button settings for Central Warehouse, only visible if 'CW purchase' is active
Item maintenance  
  Pick-IT button settings for Pick-IT and Central Warehouse
Warehouse maintenance  
  Pick-IT button settings for Pick-IT (specific communication type per warehouse)
  Central Warehouse button Central Warehouse settings (depends on setting 'CW sales')



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 19.388.333
 Assortment:  Date: 21-08-2009
 Release:  Attachment: